Emotion = foolish ?

This is an interesting equation to me.

This subject has come up many times during this case. If you have a passionate viewpoint (even if that view is based on facts, not emotion) you are labeled “emotional” or “foolish”.

I become passionate when trying to get the facts, as I know them, across to others who may think they know better. Maybe it’s a character flaw of mine? I go so far as questioning a doctor’s say so, because they are only human and can make mistakes.

I will always be my own strongest advocate because I educate myself when I don’t know something.

Does this make me emotional? Maybe? I like to call it logical and rational. I guess passion is an emotion, so I suppose I must also be emotional.


Master Vito and Master Damian

Vendetta at the Beach: http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8643030&postcount=37

This party was held Aug. 28, 2010 at Robert Moses State Park Fire Island

ALC was last seen alive Sept. 1, 2010

Link to this party: http://vendettaparty.com/august-28th-vendetta.html

Past events:
NOV. 14th, 2010(LI)
OCT. 15th, 2010(LI) *special friday night SEPT. 12th, 2010(LI)
AUGUST 28th, 2010(LI) *special beach party
AUGUST 8th, 2010(LI)
JULY 11th, 2010(LI)
JUNE 13th, 2010(LI)
JUNE 2nd, 2010(NYC)
MAY 16th, 2010(LI)
APRIL 11th, 2010(LI)

On that page on the right is a list of “Performers”. Two names to note: Master Vito and Master Damian

Pictures of Master Vito found here: http://www.myspace.com/noirhalo/photos/71963239#%7B%22ImageId%22%3A71963239%7D

Master Vito blog: http://mastervito.com/blog/

As a well respected fixture on the NYC club scene, Master Vito truly is all that he appears. He is 100% dominant, straight and sadistic; he is naturally born to his role. One can feel his strength and sensuality from simply watching a scene, as it is why he is in high demand worldwide as a performer, educator and artist. Though he is young, he has over a decade of experience as a professional dominant. He equally enjoys 24/7 TPE as he does a single night of pleasure. He carefully observes the women he plays with and responds to each individual’s limits and pain tolerance, yet artfully satisfies his own lust for her submission and his control. Those in the scene view him as the leader he is and has been throughout his life; he is a master 2nd degree black belt in karate and was sergeant in the Italian army.

Master Vito Twitter: https://twitter.com/MasterVito

Master Vito also follows Vendetta Parties on Twitter

Master Vito Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mastersvito

Facebook picture of Master Vito: https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/29197_104236599621174_6547253_n.jpg

Master Vito event Dec. 12, 2008: http://www.metro212.com/events/view_event.php?ID=20746&tmViewEvent_activePage=pEventDetails&return=list

This video of Master Vito is age restricted, view at your own discretion: (Jul 17, 2009- This is footage of Master Vito performing a rope suspension with his lovely assistant at the event called P.O.V): http://www.dailymotion.com/us?ff=1&urlback=%2Fvideo%2Fx9vzq9_master-vito-at-p-o-v-event-at-karma_sexy

Vito Sarfati (author of Confessions of the Oak Beach Drifter) Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/vito.sarfati

Confessions of the Oak Beach Drifter YouTube Comments:

smokeyakamunchiez 2 weeks ago Vince your nothing but a f****n fake! If you read the book you’d know it was a great peice of reading. You don’t know W because if you did, you would know that he does have a brother and you would’ve mentioned him by name. I know for a fact that he lived at the beach house for 8 months and the houses over there do have partial basements. Get your fat lazy ass off the couch, wipe the chicken grease from your chins and get a life!

alphamale1228 2 weeks ago Your hiding! This isn’t the guy I used to know, he wouldn’t hide like this… Stop posing and man up or shut up! U have no proof of anything your saying and your a fake getting info from someone else… So long pis

todd40cal1 2 weeks ago What do you mean, you COULD go on and on. Shut the fuck up already! It’s clear you simply have NOTHING better to do Pizono?, if that’s your real name. By the way dumb shit, the rules for spelling. I before E except after C. You illiterate fuck. Pretty sure you must’ve graduated after 1980 when the education system fell apart and idiots , such as yourself graduated without being able to string together cohesive and literate sentences Reply · in reply to vince pizono (Show the comment)

This comment was in reply to “vince pizono” http://www.youtube.com/user/bigvince468 . This is what he said,

vince pizono commented 2 weeks ago Oh I lied sorry .That hearing from you comment remember I am still in my 30’s you are in your close to mid 50’s I would put my youth against your old fart ass anytime If you want to go in that direction. OH happy birthday I know its comeing up incase I dont hear from you.

The “hearing from you” comment Vince Pizono refers to has been removed.

Master Damian Twitter page: https://twitter.com/MasterDamian

Founder of http://OurWorldOurParty.com -Producer of ESCAPE -Rope Artist, Resident Master & Featured Performer in NYC area Brooklyn, NY · http://www.fetlife.com/dmd

Master Damian YouTube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3eqsU42Zow&feature=share

Uploaded on Nov 8, 2010 Master Damian suspends a girl from a truck at the 2010 Exxxotica expo.

Damian in FL:

Damian Michael Neve @MasterDamian is looking for extra models for my rope demos this weekend.Never enough sexiness! Add me on FB: profile.to/MasterDamian & FL fetlife.com/DMD

Damian on Meetup: http://www.meetup.com/open-taichi/member/46695542/

The names “Vito” and “Damon” showed up in Confessions of the Oak Beach Drifter. Were the characters in the book based on these 2 men?

No “sleuthing” members

A major rule on WS is that you are restricted from “sleuthing” other members.

For a few weeks, ps149 was calling me a liar, and that I was spreading rumors and had pointed out on the forum where I live. In my attempt to push his buttons, my posts were flagged, and I was accused of “sleuthing another member” and spreading “rumors” and I was subsequently banned from Websleuths.

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The Dreaded Book

Who knew me being accused of writing a book would cause such a riot? I’ve actually been published before, so I’m technically an author. It was just a 500 word article I wrote in 2009. It wasn’t a major publication and I was never compensated for it.
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Controversial Theory

I didn’t realize at the time I came up with this theory that another person on Websleuths had a similar idea. The subject had come up about a year before I joined and it was not a subject I had come across until that person pointed out the post.

It revolved around the possibility that SG was brought to Oak Beach, by Joseph Brewer, to fill a prescription for him.

Shannan had arrived around 2 am in Oak Beach. Her driver said that shortly after they arrived at Brewer’s, Shannan and Brewer were gone for about 15 minutes and they never left the community. Did they go down the street to pick up a script from CPH?

Just before 3 am, Shannan made a call to a CVS located 8 miles from Brewer’s home. The CVS that she called has a 24 hour pharmacy.

She spent 20 minutes on the phone with her driver, Michael Pak, following the call to CVS. Her driver stated that he wasn’t familiar with the area, so he suggested Brewer drive there.

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Falling out

A week before I received the answer to my appeal, I had been blocked from the private group MG ran on Facebook. She blocked me personally, as well. She had been told that I was writing a book, that I was a liar, that I had been asking her friends for personal info, that I was sharing our personal conversations, and that I was talking about her to her friends.

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What else can I do?

I sat on my tablet reading for a few weeks discussions and arguments of who LISK is, who his victims were, and debates that turned personal. It frustrated me. I call myself a “doer”, and repeatedly arguing the same conversation a different way irritated me beyond belief. So I decided to take matters into my own hands.

September 29, 2012, I started a petition. I had come across Mari Gilbert’s Facebook page and sent her a message about the petition. During our conversation, she invited me to a private Facebook group, where I shared the petition with the group members.

I’m not sure if she was upset about the petition, but she thought I should have asked for her permission before publishing the petition. I didn’t create it to cause harm or for my own benefit, so I was optimistic about the forward direction the case could go with the petition.

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